Financial Know-How
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Do your eyes glaze over when you think about doing taxes? Does logging in to your retirement account make you feel like you’re back in freshman algebra? Look, this stuff isn’t simple, and we’re not financial planners. What we can do is explain how your benefits fit into your bigger financial picture.
Money is complicated. Don’t feel like you’re supposed to know the right way to manage your today-money, your just-in-case money, and your retirement money. It takes research and practice. And, with so many terms to know, it can be tough to filter through the jargon and make smart financial moves.
Fortunately for you, your FanDuel benefits include a subscription to nudge. It’s an all-in-one financial wellness platform that adapts to your financial situation. After answering a few questions about your financial status and habits, nudge provides educational content tailored to your needs and goals. You’ll receive financial news relevant to you and email or text “nudges” when something happens in the financial world that you need to know about.
For an overview, watch this video:
We Only Scratched the Surface
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