Family Planning
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Why are colors called colors? How big is the ocean? Do snakes have eyebrows? Kids are full of questions, and if you’re growing your family, you’re about to get more of them. It’s OK if you don’t have all the answers right away. But here’s an easy one: FanDuel’s family-building resources are ready for you when the time is right.
Inclusive Family Building
If you’re enrolled in any FanDuel medical plan, you and your significant other have benefits through Kindbody to grow your family. And, since every family is different, Kindbody accommodates various means of family building.
Your Kindbody benefit includes:
- A personal care navigation team to work out the details and guide you every step of the way
- Up to two cycles of fertility treatment (IUI, IVF, egg freezing, etc.)
- Fertility medication through Schraft’s Pharmacy
- Up to five holistic health coaching sessions using Kindbody 360 to ease your transition with a new family member
- Access to in-person care at Kindbody facilities across the country
A Plan for Pregnancy
The experts at Ovia Health can guide you through all aspects of pregnancy.
The X’s and O’s
Kids aren’t cheap. Kindbody is here to help ease the financial burden of growing your family.
Getting fertility care?
Kindbody coordinates with your FanDuel medical plan to cover treatment. If you’re enrolled in one of the Anthem plans, you’ll share costs with your plan through copays or coinsurance after you’ve met your deductible. Members of a Kaiser plan pay a $250 copay for each quarter-cycle treatment.
Adopting or looking for a donor or surrogate?
FanDuel reimburses you up to $10,000 for adoption, donor, and/or surrogate expenses. Heads up: The IRS considers any amount you’re reimbursed to be taxable income.
Move the chains, and sign up!
All you need to do is visit the Kindbody website and enter your access code and unique ID.
The access code is KINDFANDUEL. Your unique ID is your employee number (e.g, 12345678). Your spouse or domestic partner’s unique ID is your employee number, plus S (e.g., 12345678S).
Not enrolled in a FanDuel medical plan?
C’mon, why not? We offer five plans—and we pay the entire premium for two of them. Plus, Kindbody is only available to FanDuel medical plan members. Remember that when Open Enrollment comes around or if you have a qualifying life event.
Related Benefits
Collector’s Card: Kindbody

Sign up for Kindbody today
Your username: Your employee ID# (12345678)
Your partner’s username: Your employe ID# plus S (12345678S)